What's New (click on text):
Public Hearing - Tatamy's Swamp Trail (Jan. 23, 7:30PM)
A history/nature trail being is being planned for West Windsor! This project is being spearheaded by the Friends of West Windsor Open Space (AKA "FOWWOS," a fellow community nonprofit) but in collaboration with the Historical Society, Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance, and West Windsor Township. Click the link above to visit FOWWOS's website and learn more about the plan, FOWWOS's application for a "Green Acres" grant to help fund the project, and your opportunities to provide input (including at the public hearing).
A history/nature trail being is being planned for West Windsor! This project is being spearheaded by the Friends of West Windsor Open Space (AKA "FOWWOS," a fellow community nonprofit) but in collaboration with the Historical Society, Bicycle and Pedestrian Alliance, and West Windsor Township. Click the link above to visit FOWWOS's website and learn more about the plan, FOWWOS's application for a "Green Acres" grant to help fund the project, and your opportunities to provide input (including at the public hearing).