David Schenck House
Historical Overview
A small house with end chimney and lean-to addition stands at 43 Lower Harrison Street. This building, located in West Windsor, is a contributing element to the historic West Windsor/Plainsboro community of Scudder's Mills and a member of West Windsor's 100 Club.
The building's date of construction is unknown, but in 1827, David and Hannah Schenck sold a small tract to John Applegate containing at least one house.[1] At the time, this tract also contained the property encompassing the Thompson house next door at 47 Lower Harrison Street, so it's uncertain which of these houses the deed was referencing.[2] However, based on stylistic considerations, the David Schenck house appears older.[3] Moreover, a map of the vicinity from 1840 seems to show two structures on the property.[4] David himself had inherited the property from his father, Garret, in 1810.[5] Garret was one of West Windsor's very first Township Committeemen, from 1797-1803.[6] Meanwhile, David Schenck was Township Clerk from 1815-1825.[7] Regardless of construction date, visual inspection (window placement and discontinuous siding) suggests that the David Schenck house may have been smaller at first, only encompassing the westernmost two windows and doors. Two additions to the east (the next two window bays and finally the lean-to extension), may have, at unknown dates, resulted in the size that exists at the time of this writing (2024).[8] |
In 1846, Jonathan Applegate's heirs sold the property to Robert Thompson,[9] who operated a shoe shop out of the joint tract.[10],[11] Sixteen years later, his son sold the property to Scott Berrien[12] - creator of the historic West Windsor community of Berrien City.[13] In 1895, Berrien sold the parcel to Charles Williamson.[14] The 1900 census lists Charles as a wheelwright, living with his wife, Emma, and his daughters, Helen and Mary.[15]
In 1929, Ralph and Catherine Little purchased the property.[16] Ralph was a founding member of the West Windsor Zoning Board in 1944 and its Planning Board in 1952.[17] A renowned veterinarian, he was a pioneer in the use of antibiotics in treatment of animal diseases (especially in cattle).[18] He and Catherine ultimately split the joint property into its constituent addresses (43 and 47 Lower Harrison Streets) in 1960.[19],[20] Catharine died in 1934,[21] and Ralph remarried a woman named Ethel,[22] who taught at the Dutch Neck School.[23] Ralph, in turn, passed in 1965,[24] after which Ethel retained the property for the next fourteen years.[25] In 1965, Sarah Worm purchased the David Schenck house as a separate lot,[26] and three years later it passed to Vagn Worm.[27] It has long since come under new ownership. |
- Applegate, Jonathan, Schenck, Garret. “Indenture.” West Windsor, 1827. Located in the New Jersey State Archives, Middlesex County Deed Book 19 Page 720.
- Ibid.
- “Penns Neck Area EIS - West Windsor and Princeton Townships, Mercer County and Plainsboro Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - Historic Architectural Survey - Volume 2 of 2,” May 2003. Prepared for the New Jersey Department of Transportation by John Milner Associates (Architects/Archaeologists/Planners).
- Hassler, F. R., & Gerdes, F. H. (1840). US Coast Survey - Princeton and Vicinity. map, Princeton and Vicinity, New Jersey. Scale 1:20,000
- Schanck, Garret. “Abstract of the Will of Garret Schenck of West Windsor, Middlesex County.” Trenton, New Jersey: New Jersey State Archives, April 25, 1810. This will was proved on May 17, 1810 and an inventory made May 22, 1810 - Fle 10269 L. in the New Jersey State Archives.
- “West Windsor Township Meeting Minutes, 1797-2012.,” n.d. Original Township Committee meeting minute database located in the Municipal Center.
- Ibid.
- “Penns Neck Area EIS - West Windsor and Princeton Townships, Mercer County and Plainsboro Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey - Historic Architectural Survey - Volume 2 of 2,” May 2003.
- Applegate, Esther, Applegate, Sarah Ann, Robinson, Catharine, Robinson, John T., Thompson, Robert. “Indenture.” West Windsor, 1846. Located in the Mercer County Clerk's Office, Mercer County Deed Book L Page 242.
- “West Windsor Township.” Map. 1875 Historical Atlas of Mercer County, New Jersey - Map of West Windsor. Philadelphia, PA: Everts & Stuart, 1875. https://www.loc.gov/item/2010587333/.
- "Not so bad as murder, but bad enough." Princeton Press. July 18, 1874.
- Berrien, Scott, Thompson, Thomas S. “Indenture.” West Windsor, 1884. Located in the Mercer County Clerk's Office, Mercer County Deed Book 125 Page 75.
- Sincerbeaux, C. S. “Map Showing Plan of Lots for Scott Berrien Esq.” Map. West Windsor, New Jersey, 1916.
- Berrien, Scott, Williamson, Charles. “Indenture.” West Windsor, 1895. Located in the Mercer County Clerk's Office, Mercer County Deed Book 205 Page 55.
- United States Census, 1900 - West Windsor Township.” West Windsor Township, 1900.
- Little, Catherine, Little, Ralph B., Princeton Bank & Trust Company. “Indenture.” West Windsor, 1929. Located in the Mercer County Clerk's Office, Mercer County Deed Book 658 Page 197.
- “West Windsor Township Meeting Minutes, 1797-2012.,” n.d. Original Township Committee meeting minute database located in the Municipal Center.
- "Ralph B. Little Dies; Animal Disease Expert." Princeton Herald. July 30, 1965.
- Little, Ethel, Little, Ralph B. “Deed.” West Windsor, 1960. Located in the Mercer County Clerk's Office, Mercer County Deed Book 1541 Page 576.
- Little, Ethel, Little, Ralph B. “Deed.” West Windsor, 1960. Located in the Mercer County Clerk's Office, Mercer County Deed Book 1541 Page 580.
- "Illness Fatal to Wife of Princeton Physician." Trenton Evening Times. March 26, 1934.
- "Ralph B. Little Dies; Animal Disease Expert." Princeton Herald. July 30, 1965.
- "Schools to open Monday in West Windsor Township." Princeton Herald. September 6, 1952.
- Ibid.
- Little, Ethel B., Worm, Sarah B. “Deed.” West Windsor, 1979. Located in the Mercer County Clerk's Office, Mercer County Deed Book 2094 Page 396.
- Ibid.
- Worm, Sarah B., Worm, Vagn. “Deed.” West Windsor, 1982. Located in the Mercer County Clerk's Office, Mercer County Deed Book 2198 Page 75.